Empowering Property Developers Across Multiple Project Sectors

Whether embarking on a greenfield development or entering an infield project, we’ve seen it all. Our extensive experience enables us to help you navigate the intricate permitting process with ease.





Who we help

At Cox Planning Solutions, our environmental planning services reach across residential, commercial, and infrastructure sectors. From eco-friendly residential designs to sustainable practices for businesses, we minimize footprints while maximizing benefits. Our assessments and mitigation strategies ensure infrastructure projects tread lightly. Together, we’ll create a greener future.


Single Family Developments:

An individual residential home may have small footprints, but sprawling subdivisions & landscapes foster many nooks and crannies where sensitive features can hide. When you’re starting with a greenfield development, environmental problems are aplenty. This makes it critical to do proper due diligence in the planning phase.

Multi-family Developments:

Multi-Family Homes and Infield developments have their own unique challenges stemming from a different starting point. We’ve handled development for apartment complexes, RV parks, and even campgrounds.

Residential Clients:

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The greater the project footprint, the more opportunities for environmental problems to occur. This is especially true with offices or industrial complexes when you factor in features like parking lots and septic fields. Commercial development requires specific types of construction, design, and planning that is unique to each type of facility.

Cox Planning Solutions will guide you through proper proactive due diligence in order to avoid costly environmental impacts that could severely stall projects.

Commercial Clients:


Specializing in bridges, culverts, dams, levees, and weirs, we have extensive experience in the infrastructure sector. Proper due diligence is critical, and we’re here to help you prepare a dewatering plan that satisfies the appropriate local, state, or federal agency. We understand the environmental complexities and regulatory requirements involved in these projects better than anyone. Notably, we take great pride in our team’s successful involvement in the removal of a weir from the south fork of the Tuolumne River.