Equity Lifestyle Properties at a Glance
Cox Planning Solutions Expedites Post-Storm Repairs for Equity Lifestyle Properties
The Problem
The Problem That Equity Lifestyle Properties Faced

Equity Lifestyle Properties was dealing with significant storm damage at a large campsite near Yosemite. This damage included flooding, destruction of buildings, and near-collapse of a vital pedestrian bridge carrying essential utilities. The extensive repair work required careful environmental permitting, as Workers would need to dewater the South Fork of the Tuolumne River to properly rebuild the damaged bridge and sewer line. The process was further complicated due to involvement from multiple environmental agencies and legislation like the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act.
Working with the right environmental consultant would be critical to a successful and compliant outcome.
“We’re in the hospitality business,” explains Mike Sukel of Equity Lifestyle Properties. “So guest experience is everything. Keeping your guests happy and satisfied is the key to having a successful hospitality business. Damaged facilities and closed properties lead to unhappy guests and negative feedback.”
Mike knew that he needed urgent help remediating, and selecting an inexperienced environmental consulting agency would slow the process down even further. “Some legal consultants we spoke to just did not know both sides of the picture, and that caused some problems.”, he said.
So why is this situation so complex that it even baffled legal experts?
Multi-Agency Approval and Coordination
The need to obtain approvals from multiple agencies across federal, state, and local government levels, combined with the necessity to coordinate between them, significantly increased the complexity of the process.
Stakeholder Management and Jurisdictionional Complications
Identifying and managing a diverse range of stakeholders was challenging, especially given the overlapping jurisdictions and the local government's non-participation.
Regulatory Compliance and Lead Agency Absence
Adhering to California's CEQA requirements was made more difficult without the support of a lead agency. This absence not only hindered progress but also led to escalating maintenance costs without generating any revenue.
The Solution
Cox Planning's Strategic Approach
Innovative Lead Agency Designation and CEQA Certification
Cox Planning recognized the necessity of a lead agency for CEQA certification. They adeptly navigated the challenges posed by the Department of Housing and Community Development’s limited expertise, identifying a suitable lead agency to drive the process.
Strategic Lead Agency Designation and CEQA Certification
A pivotal strategy involved negotiating with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to assume the lead agency role. This decision was key in overcoming the jurisdictional hurdles that had previously stalled the permitting process.
Streamlined Permitting Package Development
Their approach included efficient coordination with multiple agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. This ensured alignment of various regulatory demands and requirements, facilitating smoother project progression.
Effective Agency Coordination and Communication
Cox then prepared synchronized applications to multiple agencies, ensuring strategic planning throughout all required documents and streamlined coordination between consultants. Diligent project management resulted in combining efforts and minimizing redundancies to save time and money.
Regulatory Support and Compliance Management
Cox Planning provided regulatory guidance and support to Equity Lifestyle's construction team, ensuring adherence to all legal and environmental standards, thus preventing potential compliance issues.
Monitoring and Reporting for Compliance Oversight
Cox Planning not only secured approvals but also actively monitored project construction, promptly addressing any issues. Their continuous monitoring and detailed reporting ensured that the project remained compliant with all environmental regulations.
Completion and Closure of Permits
They compiled comprehensive reports on the project's progress and compliance, leading to the efficient completion and closure of all permits. This ensured that Equity Lifestyle Properties remained fully compliant with all regulations, marking the successful conclusion of the project.
Chris Cox describes this approach as “a life hack on a massive scale,” which drastically reduced approval times and was pivotal in the expedited repair and reopening of Equity Lifestyle Properties ‘s park. This strategy not only overcame the initial hurdles but also set a new benchmark for handling similar projects in complex regulatory environments.

The Results
A Testament to Creativity and Expertise
Restoration of Essential Services
When recent storms damaged a vital water main in one of the parks, Cox Planning's swift strategic planning and expedited permit process were key in restoring the water supply. This prompt action was essential in preventing substantial revenue loss due to park downtime.
Enhancing Resident Satisfaction and Property Value
n a high-capacity RV resort outside Yosemite National Park, Cox Planning adeptly addressed long standing environmental issues. By obtaining permits for clean-up and restoration to a more natural state, they significantly improved resident satisfaction and increased the land value. This transformation positively impacted the property's reputation, shifting it from negative perceptions to a highly regarded status.
Business Continuity and Revenue Protection
Through ensuring that parks remained open and functional, Cox Planning directly contributed to the business goals of Equity Lifestyle Properties. Their effective handling of environmental and regulatory challenges safeguarded the company's continuous operation and revenue streams.

Cox Planning Solutions
Where Experience Meets Innovation
The phrase “Knowledge is power” is never more true than when dealing with the bureaucracy of government agencies.
Cox Planning Solutions delivers success for clients by employing detailed knowledge and meticulous planning to craft streamlined processes. The simple premise of investing in the success of their clients has positioned Cox Planning Solutions to deliver strategies that save thousands of dollars and infinite headaches.
Cox Planning Solutions’ ability to cut through state and federal regulatory bureaucracy resulted in high-value returns for Equity Lifestyle Properties. Rather than spending years or decades negotiating with each agency separately, Equity Lifestyle Properties turned to Cox Planning Solutions. Chris Cox’s team crafted an efficient, streamlined process that braided multiple bureaucratic threads into a single solution.

Chris Cox,
CEO | Lead Strategist
Case Studies
Hidden Ridge
El Dorado County, CA

Biological Resources Assessment
Wetland Delineation
Rare Plant Surveys
Preconstruction Surveys
CEQA Technical Support
Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permit
Clean Water Act, Section 401 Certificate
California Waste Discharge Permit
California Lake & Streambed Agreement
Tentative Map Support

Lincoln Meadows
Lincoln, CA

Biological Resources Assessment
Wetland Delineation
Rare Plant Surveys
Protocol Surveys for Large Branchiopods
Preconstruction Surveys
CEQA Technical Support
Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permit
Clean Water Act, Section 401 Certificate
California Waste Discharge Permit
California Lake & Streambed Agreement
Tentative Map Support
The project area is considered suitable habitat for federally listed large branchiopods (fairy shrimp). Our permitting solution combined onsite restoration and mitigation credit purchases, along with 5 years of monitoring.
The project was approved and built in 2022. Revised site plan and agency negotiations reduced impacts and mitigation costs and streamlined local CEQA approval.

Ophir Road Self Storage Center
Placer County, CA

Biological Resources Assessment
Rare Plant Survey
Wetland Delineation
PCCP Approval
CEQA Support
The project area is located in a historic stream corridor and is considered suitable habitat for several endangered species. The property also has several oak woodland areas and required extensive land cover analysis to determine development impact costs.

Athens Road Hobby Condos
Lincoln, CA

Biological Resources Assessment
Wetland Delineation
PCCP Approval
Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permit
Clean Water Act, Section 401 Certificate
California Waste Discharge Permit
CEQA Support
Our team obtained the 2018 permits and prepared a consistency analysis and PCCP application that were approved in 2023.

Elverta Specific Plan
Sacramento County, CA

Biological Resources Assessment
Wetland Delineation
Rare Plant Surveys
Protocol Surveys for Large Branchiopods
CEQA EIR Support
NEPA EIS Support
Specific Plan Approval
Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permit
Clean Water Act, Section 401 Certificate
California Waste Discharge Permit
The approximately 1,700 acre specific plan area is proposed for residential and commercial development, but contains approximately 29 acres of 27 acres of wetlands that were assumed to be habitat for federally listed large branchiopods. Impacts required a Standard Permit with a public hearing and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Our team worked with project engineers and EIS preparers for more than 3 years to obtain wetland and biological resource permits that were approved in 2018.

Auburn Creekside Commercial Development
Auburn, CA

Biological Resources Assessment
Wetland Delineation
Protocol Surveys for Red Legged Frog
Rare Plant Surveys
Preconstruction Surveys
Landscape Restoration Design
County Use Permit Support
CEQA Support
Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permit
Clean Water Act, Section 401 Certificate
California Waste Discharge Permit
California Lake & Streambed Agreement

El Dorado Hills Town Center
El Dorado Hills, CA

Biological Resources Assessment
Wetland Delineation
Preconstruction Surveys
CEQA Support
County Use Permit Support
Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permit
Clean Water Act, Section 401 Certificate
California Waste Discharge Permit
California Lake & Streambed Agreement
Our team located and negotiated competitive mitigation credit purchases and oversaw offsite mitigation installation. The town center is now built out and accommodates a majority of the commercial business in El Dorado County.

Foothill Blvd. Commercial Complex
Roseville, CA

Biological Resources Assessment
Wetland Delineation
Preconstruction Surveys
CEQA Support
Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permit
Clean Water Act, Section 401 Certificate
California Waste Discharge Permit
California Lake & Streambed Agreement
This property contained a wetland and drainage area created by previous development activity.
Our team successfully obtained a delineation determination indicating the depression was man-made and did not require a permit. We then completed required permits for the drainage. The project is now built.

De Anza Residential Community
Santa Cruz, CA

Biological Resources Assessment
Wetland Delineation
Rare Plant Surveys
Landscape Restoration Design
Preconstruction Surveys
City Development Permit
CEQA Analysis
Coastal Development Permit
Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permit
Clean Water Act, Section 401 Certificate
California Waste Discharge Permit
California Lake & Streambed Agreement
In addition to successfully obtaining all permits and managing landscape restoration, our team led a public relations effort on behalf of our client to win over residents.

Yosemite RV and Camp Resort
Tuolumne County, CA

Biological Resources Assessment
Wetland Delineation
Rare Plant Surveys
Fish Survey
Preconstruction Surveys
HCD Development Permit
CEQA Support
Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permit
Clean Water Act, Section 401 Certificate
California Waste Discharge Permit
California Lake & Streambed Agreement
Our team successfully negotiated with the County and the Department of Fish & Wildlife to issue a CEQA exemption, which allowed permit approval and construction. We also obtained approval for the treatment center to provide drinking water.

Let’s Get in Touch
1510 J Street, Ste. #100
Sacramento, CA 95814
Working Hours
Weekdays: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Weekends: Closed
Phone & Email Address
E: info@coxplanningsolutions.com
p: 916.758.8470